Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Done! - well almost

The last square of Lizard Ridge is knit and blocked! I finished it Saturday after my German mid-term (yes - I had a mid-term on a Saturday, because my school hates us). I don't remember what the colorway is but it is the same color way as the block that I knit for Twisted. Actually, I like the block I knit for them more than this one...

A close up of it unblocked

These are the last four blocks two of which are seamed already

Now all I have left is two seam two more blocks to the strip and then seam the strip of blocks to the blanket, then after that the border which I don't even want to think about. That being said I'm very glad that I've been seaming as I go because the extra warmth of the blanket on top of the one that I sleep under has been nice for the cold nights here. Now of course, because I hate doing all of the aforementioned things - other than sleeping - (though apparently I have wonderful seams despite the fact that I would pay someone t do it for me), I cast on a Jaywalkers and the Dove Socks from the new Kat Bordhi book. I'm knitting both of them out of Regia which makes things even harder because sock yarn snob tendencies.

That being said, I ordered three skeins of sock yarn from Tausendschön in der Specht (woodpecker), indische Gewuerze (Indian spices) and Seestern (starfish). So pretty, so very pretty. We emailed back and forth (because she was confused as to why I used paypal because she didn't realize that I didn't have an Austrian bank account) and she sending them out today so I should get them, hopefully, by the end of the week. Which should be around the time that my package of Cascade 220 for Avast gets here. I'm also supposed to be getting a package from a friend of mine full of goodies that she bought at Rheinbeck at some point (when she makes her way to the post office, in between writing papers/procrastinating - Liz, I love you, you're great) which means I need to pick up chocolate and yarn to send her as to make it a somewhat fair trade.

In non knitting news, its mid-term week. I had a aforementioned German mid-term on Saturday (which was better than I thought it'd be), my Mahler and theory mid-terms yesterday (the Mahler one went really well, the theory one...well I suck at theory but I did my best), and my music survey mid-term tomorrow afternoon which will probably be hellish. We had the listening test (which consisted of knowing the name, composer, and genre of 11 out of....at least 40 pieces, it was over 2 hours of music that we had to be accountable for) last Wednesday and I did amazingly badly on that. I also have a flute lesson tomorrow morning (which means I probably have to miss Wednesday knitting group - sorry guys!) which should go well. I bought the Reinecke flute sonata between Mahler and theory and am thinking about getting the his flute concerto and also the Widor flute sonata (despite the fact that another flute player in my program is playing it - I don't care, I love the piece).

Oh also, in more exciting news, I'm getting a wheel in late November (around Thanksgiving)! I'll be in England visiting a friend at Oxford so I'm going to try out the Ashford Joy (which I don't really want but I should try it), the Lendrum folding wheel, and the Louet Victoria (see an amazing review here). I'm leaning towards the Lendrum because of its sheer versatility, but the damn Louet is so tiny and portable (which is really important to me as I travel for school a lot and intend to take the wheel with me) - its 11 lb when in its case with all of the bobbins and such! (and 6lb by itself). I also keep telling myself that if I get the Louet I can always get another wheel later (though if I can get my hands on the fast flyer that they make for the Victoria, which apparently is is out there, I may be sold). We'll see I have a bit of time and testing to do.


Neuroknitter said...

Lendrum, Lendrum, Lendrum.
Wollee winder, Wollee winder, Wollee winder. They fold. They spin like a dream. I'm biased...I have one! :)

Adam said...

Lendrum, Lendrum, Lendrum was my original thought :) with the Wollee winder hovering around it as well. The real question is - will it fit in my suitcase easily? Remember if have to take it from Europe to Portland then from Portland to New York and back.

Anonymous said...

Lendrum is my vote, too.

I live in Illinois, was visiting family in Portland, bought a Lendrum at Woodland Woolworks on my way to the airport (I know, it's just a teeny bit out of the way...), folded it, put it in the Lendrum carrying case and took it on the plane. It fit in the overhead bin.

Going through security was fun. They asked, "Do you have a bicycle in there???"

Lurker Gretl

- Sandi - said...

Oh man, I would go for the Widor over anything by Reinecke any day of the week!

Tell me, have you ever done the Carl Vine Sonata? Does it get played much in the US? I'm a big fan of it, one because it's a rad piece, but also because it's Australian and so am I. :-)

Oh yeah, and by the way, absolutely luuuurve the blanket! Excellent stuff!

ex SnB Vienna, now SnB Rovaniemi

Adam said...

Gretl - Thats really great to know about it fitting in the overhead bin on the plane. I looked on the Woodland Woolworks website (among others) though and I have a feeling everyone carries different bags for the wheel, though theirs looked the best as far as compactness goes. Also, the people at PDX are super great about security (and everything really - when I flew over here the people at the Lufthansa desk let me bring my bag that was a kilo and a half overweight on, which apparently is unheard of other places). Hopefully the people in Vienna will be that kind.

Steffi - I actually really like the Reinecke flute sonata (Undine) and - his flute concerto has much to be desired though. I had a lesson yesterday and am borrowing the Widor from my teacher though which is good. Very very good. I've never heard of the Carl Vine but I'll look it up though.