Thursday, November 29, 2007

Almost finished!

One more day of National Blog Posting Month! I've done really well (seeing as I've blogged every day and maybe three of those posts have been memes) but am excited to have a lack of an "obligation" to blog. No worries though - I will still blog on a regular basis!

I did, however, finish dashing! It was nice and quick and I am probably going to start a sock tomorrow (well I'll bring stuff to school with me to start it, we'll see if I do). Also, no more freezing cold hands! (I hope)

This is actually a picture of the first one - I don't have a tripod or other person to take a picture of both of them on me and I'm too lazy right now to take a picture of an almost identical wrist warmer

I also decided to bite the bullet and spin 20g of the silk/merino blend that I bought in England. Low and behold its much, much easier for me to spin than the corriedale that I've been spinning for yarn that will probably be used to knit a hat.

Second skein I've spun on a wheel - so soft

The yarn is actually a bit brighter than it looks in the picture and looks totally different in sunlight (the blues become much brighter, in a good way). Its also amazingly soft, so amazingly soft. I'm not all quite sure what I'm going to do with this yarn, or the yarn that becomes of the rest of the roving I have - the idea now is that it'll become a scarf because a. I can show it off b. as much as I love hats, I want to be able to feel the softness of the yarn c. wrist warmers are great and all but you can't see them super well in full. We'll see, we'll see.


Neuroknitter said...

Your handspun is lovely!!! Wowee! A scarf would be great!!

PDX might get some snow on Saturday! We'll keep you posted! I doubt it will be as pretty as Vienna in the snow!

Virtuous said...

Really nice color of Dashing. And can't wait to see your Lizard Ridge progress. I love mine! :oD

Adam said...

neuroknitter - portland, snow?! you'll def. have to keep me posted (though I'm sure my mom will call to complain). I like it when it snows here much more than when it snows in PDX because here its off the street with in hours - thank you city workers of Vienna :)

virtuous: thanks - I got lucky with that yarn and picked it up at the closing sale of a LYS in Portland. My Lizard Ridge is basically done (save for the border and its final blocking) details can be found here