Sunday, November 18, 2007

[some what] Fast progress

This what I have so far of the sleeves of Avast - well half of what I have, the other sleeve is equally as long. I worked on them for most of today and they are about 8" (they need to be 18"). I am excited for them to get done, and hopefully they'll be done by the end of the week. Then comes the yoke which will hopefully be painless.

I went out to coffee with Milinda this morning which was nice we went to Coffee Day (which is not your typical Viennese coffee shop - its trying to be American). Her hat is coming along nicely - she hasn't made any mistakes since Friday night, yes, thats right, she is an up and coming knitting rock star :) (yes Milinda, I did just say that). Her next project (so she says) is going to be a cabled "baby scarf" - this is why I'm glad I brought my book of cable/aran patterns to Vienna with me. And no, it won't be too hard for her because, cables are only hard if you think they are :) (ok not totally true, you know what I mean)

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