Saturday, November 10, 2007



Finally, they're done, finally! They fit well, etc etc. I still don't really like the colorway at all. I mean it looks fine, and they look fine on me, but those of you who know me know that I like yarn thats a big more exciting than this.

Now that the Jaywalkers are finished I can spend more bonding time with Avast. I also can wind one of the skeins of sock yarn seen in this post and maybe, just maybe finish up the sibling to Dashing (the first of the pair can be seen here).

I also went out and got an electric tea kettle today! One should note that I've been used to having an electric tea kettle in my room for over a year prior to coming here when my mom got me this for Christmas a few years ago. It still remains the best gift I've ever received (well one of them). I used it at least once a day when I was at Sarah Lawrence and realized, when I was packing for Vienna, that it couldn't come with me. There's an electric tea kettle in the kitchen that I use sometimes, but I always feel bad because I don't actually know if its communal and I don't want to use someone else's appliance. All that being said - this is a very important purchase.

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